Governance Policy

Strait of Canso Governance Policy


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The Strait Area Chamber of Commerce (SACOC) recognizes the economic and social impact the Strait of Canso has on our region. The SACOC acknowledges that a governance model must be instituted which will permit a local organization to receive the shipping fees that are currently going to the Government of Canada general revenues.


The Strait Area Chamber of Commerce believes a “Port Authority” model would not benefit the Region’s Businesses, Port Users or residents.


The Strait Area Chamber of Commerce concludes a local management governance model is the only viable choice. This position has been taken with the following goals in mind:


  1. To support a local management organization that strives to promote, improve, and protect trade and commerce in our region.
  2. To guide the development and growth of the Strait of Canso.
  3. Support the harbour bed divestiture, from the government of Canada to a local organization, so it will use those resources to actively achieve the above goals.


Below are key elements the SACOC believes are necessary to form the framework for the organization.


  1. The organization would remain independent from other ports (though not be precluded from strategic cooperation).
  2. The organization will not advocate for the Canada Port Authority model.
  3. The organization must operate within its means.
  4. The organization will engage all stakeholders including but not limited to, First Nation Communities, Port Users, Municipal Units, Provincial and Federal Departments.


The SACOC expects the new organization to provide leadership and vision; that will foster a spirit of cooperation between all interested port stakeholders. Such an organization must have a focus that includes safe and efficient port operations. It must promote and institute the appropriate infrastructure necessary to support relevant business models, ensure market access and viable returns. This requires strong leadership including outstanding communication, consensus building and teamwork skills.

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